
All Is Well

 (We are the hottest girls you know, don't lie to yourself)
My best friend Lolly is moving to Evanston. I know right? Who would want to move to Evanston of their own free will and choice? Being 27 and single means that for years those that mean the most to me have been moving far away for jobs or getting married and dedicating their lives, as they should, to their new best friend. Loss for me is very hard. But instead of dwelling on the negative element of that loss I thought I would just be grateful for the time I have been given with them. For the blessing that Lolly has been in my life. Both in the past in college, as I made the choice to move back to Utah, and then as my roommate once I made that choice.

She has been amazing for me. She is the mom that I need. She is always willing to listen even when the problem is with us. Even when it is something stupid and I am just being a girl. She does all the scary stuff for me like talking to boys or asking where the bathroom is. She is an example to me. And let us not forget... she makes me laugh every single day.

I am going to miss her like crazy. So much so that I can't think about it. But I am so happy that she has been given this opportunity to improve her life and as a good friend all I can do is be happy for her and supportive. I want, no need her to be happy and if the Lord wants her in Evanston then who am I to complain? I know my Heavenly Father will bless me with new friends and new adventures. I also know that no one and I mean no one will ever, ever, ever, take her place in my heart. 

Yes loss is hard for me, but Heavenly Father has never left me alone. I have always had the friends I have needed for every moment of my life. I know that they have been hand selected and those that have faded with time and distance were there for a reason and I am grateful for their influence in my life.

1 comment:

  1. I hate change. Especially forced change. This Lolly sounds like a great gal! But you know, greatness attracts greatness...
