
I am doing everything but packing right now

I have been so stressed today that I almost threw up. On my way home from work I was trying to decide how to get everything done when Wade called. Now let me preface this with the fact that if I was on a beach in Hawaii I would certainly not be worrying about any of my friends back home. But he, the amazing friend that he is, called me just to see how I was doing, and if I was ready for my trip yet. We talked some about Hawaii but mostly we talked about me and everything going on in my life. Guess what? He had amazing insights on all of my most pressing issues. Really good insights, infact I felt almost all better by the time I got home.

Once I was home I took my bike out for an 8 mile ride, not too far as I had so much to do, came home, had a fantastic birthday dinner, took a very long bubble bath and have still not packed at all. But I feel better.

Anyway, I fly out of here in 11 hours and hopefully a few of those will be spent sleeping. Stay tuned for frequent updates on my adventures in Nebraska, the greatest place on earth. There will be many Halls together in one place that is ALWAYS a good time.

1 comment:

  1. That was a tough day for you and I wish there was something I could have done for you. However, all I got to do was force you out of my bed and get your bum in gear. One small task at a time and you were finally packed. Glad you made it safe, even if you do not have enough choices to be Paris in Nebraska.
