
Understanding the male mind

I totally love the two ladies in my new office. I am sad that the reason I have the job is because one of them is leaving. Yesterday we had a conversation that intrigued me...

All men think they are hot. One lady was talking about how her out of shape bald neighbor will sit on his porch with no shirt on and rub his stomach and wink at her from time to time. The theory being that no matter what a man looks like... HE thinks he looks good!

I was telling my friend Steph about this later at lunch and she said that her brother said that boys use themselves as a measure of all other boys hotness. They think they are at the top of the hotness scale so all other boys who look like them are also at the top. Thus boys who do not look like them must be less hot etc.

Girls do not judge their hotness in this way. In fact for many I think it is the opposite. They think they are the bottom and so other girls who look like them must not be hot or popular etc. Maybe the boys have the better idea... But I don't want to admit that here. At the very least boys are defiantly more fun to observe. Even at the zoo... The male animals are always prettier and more confident!


  1. That's just hilarious. I don't even know what to say. . .

  2. This is too true. I think you hit it right on the nose, Annie! If any men disagree, speak now, or I will be forced to believe otherwise.
