
Now I'm a drunk

I was at dinner the other night with a friend and he ordered a glass of wine. The waiter asks if he wants a bottle or just a glass. My friend tells him just one glass. The waiter then looks at me and says, "Yeah it would appear she has had enough for the evening."

Sad day. I just like to laugh and it comes especially easy to me when I am with this friend. I am so glad we got together and even more excited that we are planning on making it a regular thing.


  1. haha! that is funny. can't stop chuckling...HAHA ;)

  2. LOL!!! nice. I am glad you had a great time...;)

  3. Hilarious!
    That just means you were obviously having a good time!

  4. My mom, sisters, sister-in-law and I were at chili once for dinner and they cut off our lemonade and diet coke! Happy drukenness must run in the family!
