
Time to move to Mississippi

Jamison: Your girl Annie scares me
(Try to remember Jamison is a black man from Mississipi)
Lolly: Because of the headphones thing?
Jamison: She has too much sass for these Utah boys, they don't know how to handle her. In Mississippi boys know how to handle a girl with sass. That's all they got down there.
Lolly: So what your saying is she needs a black man?
Jamison: For sure
Lolly: Tell her that
Jamsion: I can't. It can't come from me, she won't listen.
Lolly: But you are a black man.

For the record Jamison was adorably sweet to me when I did not deserve it. This conversation happened while they were on their way to buy dinner for me because I was in tears of pain on the couch at home. AND he picked up double what I asked for because he needed me to eat the proper amount of Taco Bell. Cute boy. Who knew Taco Bell could feed my body AND spirit. <3 <3 <3

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