He carried my camera bag, the bouquet,
and a good attitude through all kinds of wilderness terrain,
without complaining...
all weekend.
Umm... and without being asked.
and this is what one very sweet sister
looks like after a day of wedding photos.
again with no complaints.
While I was shooting photos,
these two were forced to be buddies for the day.
They both survived each others company, and maybe,
just maybe they became friends.
Maybe... but we shouldn't push the issue.
This looks like a man who needs to spend a weekend
doing something he wants to do doesn't it?
But look I actually took a few decent pictures.
(more to follow)
So thanks for helping out guys.
You are the best friends a girl could have!
P.S. Will he kill me for posting these pictures?
Probably yes!
I feel like this post should be cross-referenced to this one.